Peer Reviewed Article

Unlocking Creative Potential: The Synergy of Technology and Construction in Collaborative Teaching

This research proposes a collaborative teaching method to enhance the learning experiences of fashion design students by combining technology-based and construction courses. Instructors from four different apparel design courses worked together over two semesters to create projects that enabled students to apply new knowledge and gain insight into course content. Survey questionnaires from students and an in-depth interview with one instructor show that collaborative teaching can offer a holistic approach to introducing new technologies, allowing students to see how techniques from one course apply in another, creating a real-world environment. However, this approach also posed challenges, such as pre-planning fabric selection and coordinating with the institution for technological support. This study's significance lies in its potential to improve future course planning and highlight the value of collaborative teaching strategies.

Cite article:

Chen, C., Gam, H. J., & Elaine Stanley, J. (2024). Unlocking creative potential: the synergy of technology and construction in collaborative teaching. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 1–12.

Figure 1. The collaborative teaching process and the learning sequence using Lamb & Kallal’s FEA Consumer Needs model.

Figure 3. A front view of a student’s knit dress from the collaborative teaching project.


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